We had a great time at Minsteracres in October 2019. Richard Colbrook and Rick Thomas brought some challenging teaching and 25 children enjoyed plenty of action and activties. More information…

Karol and Joshua have arrived form Stuttgart, Germany. They will be with us until August next year. They will help with the ministry of the church in the local community,…

Congratulations to Joe and Sylvia who are celebrating 50 years of marriage. From now on remember: if you are ever asked “What important event took place on 20th July 1969?”,…

Congratulations to Patrick and Denise who graduated from KST on 13th July 2019 after 3 hard years of work. The graduation ceremony was at 3pm in the King’s Centre, Oxford.

The 30th June marked Mike Ivey’s last preach before he and Kate leave Hexham for Oxfordshire where he will begin his new post in Abingdon Community Church.

Russell and Edith are back with us. After a month away during which they had a 3 hour bike ride and had an epic excursion by canoe, they will be back in church on Sunday 30 June. Just what we expect from octogenarians at BCC!

We had a great week with the Texan visiting team this week. They visited two schools this time and held a line dance event which more than 90 people attended. Finally they helped with a special messy church. Well done to everyone who worked with them during the week.